Sunday, 5 December 2010

Individual Blog - Reece

We have planned our opening sequence to our children's film thoroughly and efficiently over the past 2 weeks. We have done sufficient research into children's film conventions, genre conventions, soundtrack music and mise-en-scene. This research has helped us make our children's film as realistic as possible as we can adapt to the Action Genre's codes and conventions.
Our sequence we are filming involves a spy and a business woman. The spy is played by Reece (me) and I will have to over exaggerate what I'm doing throughout as i am meant to be a fairly rubbish spy. Sophie is going to act as the business woman in our sequence. She will be walking along normally throughout and only sometimes will she have a small suspicion that someone is following her, however she will take no notice of this and carry on. Lastly Cameron will be doing the majority of the filming - he will be finding out the best possible shots and correcting us if something needs to be redone.
We don't need to bring in any sort of costume for the spy as he is "undercover" and therefore I will be wearing my normal clothes however a spy pen and mobile phone will be needed as props for the sequence and I will be responsible for bringing these props in.  Sophie's character on the other hand will need to be dressed appropriately so she is going to bring in a black formal coat and some black shoes. She will also be bringing in a black suitcase as a prop to show she is a business person.
We have been limited to only film in the school premises so the sequence will be filmed in the corridors and grounds of the college. We will not need permission to film there and if we suddenly find we do, we will ask a member of staff for permission.

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